Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ron Paul

According to gallup polls, Ron Paul is, for the conservative nomination, in 3rd place, behind Romney and our own governor Perry. This is really interesting because last year, Ron Paul didn't do near this well in the race. Obviously, the race is nowhere near over with the general election still over a year away, but Paul's early success nonetheless promises good things for the future. As for why he is doing better this year than four years ago is probably a combination of factors, including his wider notoriety following the last election. That, along with the fact that mainstream conservative opinion has largely caught up with the ideas Dr. Paul has been spouting for years about limited spending, constitutional government, and laissez faire economics. Especially in the wake of the recession and the mounting debt, Paul's ideas seem to be more relevant than ever.

This poll in particular indicates that if Ron Paul were nominated, he would have a fair shot at beating Obama for the presidency with only 1% of adults preferring the president over Paul
